Play Parfum Nostalgique in your browser!ᴮᵉᵗᵃ

A story of friendship, tragedy, and unconditional love that explores the conflict between moral personhood and the human necessity of wearing different masks, Parfum Nostalgique is a coming of age for those who have already come of age, or what some would call a “midlife crisis."

A fantastique, dramatique, romantique, traumatique story you can now play in your desktop or mobile browser!

Well...Sort of!

Parfum Nostalgique for browser is still in its beta phase. It is still best played as a downloadable game for PC or Mac instead. To start playing the downloadable version, download Act 1 here☆

Though Act 1 and Act 2 are, in total, 4 hours of reading time, this game is quite dense with sound effects, voice acting, music, settings, and lots and lots of sprite images! Despite cutting it down as much as I can, you may experience image loading issues that could affect your experience. The game is perfectly playable, but if you are highly irritated by loading issues, you may want to opt for downloading the game.

The browser version also does not take save files. Because of this, the game has been split into parts short enough to read in one sitting. Though, perhaps, not much cannot be read in one sitting, if you really have it in you.

If there are any errors when the game is loading up (especially any errors loading ""), refreshing the page will usually fix the problem.

Click the images below to play ☆

Parfum Nostalgique Act 1

Released 2.14.23

Free Download for PC and Mac(Recommended)

Play on Desktop or Mobile Browserᴮᵉᵗᵃ

Play Act 1 Part 1 Play Act 1 Part 2 Play Act 1 Part 3

Parfum Nostalgique Act 2

Released 2.14.24

Free Download for PC and Mac(Recommended)

Play on Desktop or Mobile Browserᴮᵉᵗᵃ

Play Act 2 Part 1 Play Act 2 Part 2 Play Act 2 Part 3

Parfum Nostalgique Act 3

Releases 2.14.25

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