
Act 1 has been Re-VAMPed!

By Rosario, 4.6.2024

I released Act 1 of the Parfum Nostalgique visual novel series over a year ago.

It was my the first game I had ever made besides the demo, and against all odds, it was beautiful. But, since then, I have improved so much at art and game development. Because of this, I decided to give Act 1 a bit of a makeover, so it could better hold its own against the much more polished Act 2, before I prepared both acts for their (very janky) browser releases. After all, the first act is make-or-break. If I don't wow my readers in the first act, how am I going to get them hooked enough to read everything after that? Things don't even really get good until Act 2...

Improvements to Act 1 include a new title screen, improved sound mixing, smoother transitions, and subtitles on scenes that previously relied on audio to understand. There's a lot more tweaking I did in general, but those are just the improvements I've made off the top of my head.

You can play Act 1 on, or, you can access all acts on all platforms through this official site!

Also, I have added a new comment sections to the pages, and, you may have noticed, to this very website. I strongly encourage whoever plays to leave comments on the page, and on the designated Act 1 and Act 2 pages. Hearing your feedback brings me so much joy, and while I get a lot of it in private, in person, and on social media (to an extent. Despite my efforts, trying to boost my engagement on social media has felt like pulling teeth), my comment sections are embarrassingly barren!

Also, if you follow this project on Instagram specifically, you may have noticed that posts have been much more regular, and much more... Instagram- appropriate! He says, through clenched teeth...

I hate Instagram. Oh, I hate that platform like nothing else. The only thing I hate more than Instagram is TikTok. In general, I cannot stand social media, and I have so much trouble using it. The reason have this website is because I crave a more genuine online space for a project that is extremely personal to me, and I don't want the worth of my games to be defined by how well they do on social media, especially considering so much of my audience also has a lot of social media fatigue. Now that I have such a space that I can confidently call a home for everything Priro, I have been much more open to trying my luck with building an audience through the mystical Instagram algorithm. But! You could not torture me into setting foot on that app. Every time I visit it, I immediately want to leave.

So, someone else is doing it for me!

Please welcome the much-needed, much-appreciated, absolutely lovely Rex Rosario as the new Instagram manager for! Yes, another Rosario! I'm the regular Rosario, and he's the Rex one! I throw him pictures and videos, he creates the posts, and I act like Instagram doesn't exist the second I approve them. He's doing an absolutely wonderful job, and I can't express how grateful I am to have someone to help me with something I've struggled to do myself since the very beginning of this project.

You can find Rex on Instagram here!

I am announcing this here partly so you can go and show him some appreciation, and partly so you know that when you comment or DM the Priro instagram account, you are not speaking to me, but to him! On all other platforms, I am the one responding to you, but on Instagram, that's Rex. You can always get in touch with me at my business email,, if you're set on having me grant you an audience.